Media communications is an online system
that flows together using media tools to share your message and services.
Establish Your Brand: Logo, Tagline and Vibe
Define Your Communications Platforms and Media Tools
Determine Frequency of Media Tools
Grow the System
You know that having an online presence is essential. So, you figure - let's get a website, create a social media presence and then write a blog! But, did it feel kind of like throwing spaghetti against a wall?
You wonder: How do all these pieces really fit together? You think to yourself: There's got to be a system out there that works more cohesively with a natural flow!
Your Brand
Consistent on all Your Platforms
Your brand depends upon message consistency. How often you communicate, your overall look and vibe, and what you communicate solidifies your brand in the eyes of your audience. Your brand should make your audience feel a certain way.
Media Tools
Let's Put These Tools to Work
From newsletters to sales pages, email automations to videos and lead magnets -- these are all tools to communicate your message and boost your sales. Technology can be intimidating but it's possible to strategize and implement these tools to work for you.
The Foundation
Your website houses your other media tools, and integrates all your systems together. It is the first place your audience will discover your brand and services. Your website is your business card. It needs to attract your ideal consumer. Keeping it up-to-date with fresh media tools is a must.
Share Your Knowledge
Writing blogs helps with SEO and helps to engage your audience. Posting consistent blogs are a great way to communicate your values, expertise and "more" (the essential or characteristic customs and conventions of your community).
Grow Your List
Newsletters help to attract new customers. It's a great way to keep your content and message front and center and it increases sales.
Pick Your Platforms
You know the value of social media - it does you no good if you don't have fresh, consistent content to engage your audience.
Testimonials I Promos I Openers
Videos and photos are great content for all your online platforms: YouTube, websites, social media, etc. They help to communicate your message and add to your credibility.
Become the Expert
Sales Pages and Lead Magnets are powerful tools to grow your email list and get new customers. Courses share your knowledge in one place and give you the ability to have passive income. Email automations work hand-in-hand to connect your leads to new offers and boost your sales.
Determine Frequency of Media Tools
You Decide How Often
It is my goal to equip you and help you make an informed decision regarding the utilization of your media tools. Depending on your needs and budget, I can determine the system that works best for you!
What is your business structure?
What services do you provide?
Are you starting from scratch or are you revising online communications systems already in place?
Do you want someone to implement the online communications systems or would you like to receive training on how to do it yourself?
What is your budget?
Free Tools
I offer free tools to help on your media communications journey. These tools will get you started with a great foundation. From blogs, to my newsletter or video tutorials, you'll learn tips and tools for online media communications.
Monthly Membership I $350
If the Free Tools are not enough for you communications needs, you can join the monthly membership. Monthly membership offers a portal of technology training videos and download tools. Plus, with membership, you can request one tutorial video idea each month. The video tutorial can include any technical support questions you may have. In addition, you'll get four hours of in-person (or online) coaching per month OR you can also allot those four hours toward me working on your media tool(s) directly.
Get the tools you need to succeed and be at ease!
Your communications can find a natural, consistent flow.